Wedding Planning 101

5 Reasons to Have a First Look

5 Reasons to Have a First Look

As your wedding day approaches, we get a lot of questions about whether or not you should do a first look. While some brides are certain that they want one, others are more hesitant and want some insight into the pros and cons of the decision. Well, we are here to give you 5 reasons why you should do a first look.

The Ultimate Engagement Shoot Guide

The Ultimate Engagement Shoot Guide

He got down on one knee, you said "yes", he put that rock on your what? As professional wedding videographers for over ten years, who have heard it all on the bride's wedding day, we have picked up some tips and tricks along the way. We will discuss everything from locations to outfits, props, to-go kits, and everything in between.

Perfect Wedding Morning Playlist… From The Professionals

Perfect Wedding Morning Playlist… From The Professionals

The day has finally come, the coffee has been drunk, the mimosas are being poured, and your girl gang has assembled but you don’t have a playlist! Don’t worry about it, we’ve got you covered!

As professional wedding photographers and videographers who have been in the business for over a decade, we’ve seen every bridal morning you can think of. From tunes blaring to dead silence and everything in between, we have seen it all. We know that we are more than “just” photographers and videographers; we are there for hype management, emotional support, and the good ol’ fire extinguisher.